本屆 ART TAIPEI 適逢 30 屆,由張逸羣理事長、游文玫秘書長領軍,柯人鳳執行長、藝術總監賴珮竹、新創行銷總監陳怡文、工程營運總監曾晟愿共同執行。對台灣而言,這是疫情後國境開放的第一場國際藝術博覽會,ART TAIPEI 2023 匯聚 145 家展商,包含77家國內畫廊,68 家國外畫廊,跨越 11 個國家風光登場,展位使用面積為 ART TAIPEI 開辦以來歷年最大。理事長張逸羣將 ART TAIPEI 的基調定為:「產業自救、區域自強」,企圖以民間產業力量帶動整體台灣藝術文化的風氣,並預測將來世界藝術焦點將關注在東方,以「藝術東移、聚焦水墨」的概念打造 ART TAIPEI 為亞太區域藝術樞紐。延續對永續議題的重視,在文化部支持下,由台北藝術產經研究室規劃淨零碳排主題的特展,讓「藝術永續」成為企業收藏族群的對話語彙。為同步慶賀去年畫廊協會 30 年及今年 ART TAIPEI 30 屆的台灣藝術里程碑,畫廊協會特別出版《傳承開今-社團法人中華民國畫廊協會 30 年》專書,並將歷屆台北藝博專刊數位化,首次在展場內設置「電子書櫃互動區」,開放民眾互動閱覽,為藝術產業發展留下歷史資料與見證軌跡。
Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1
This year's ART TAIPEI reaches its 30th edition, which is led by TAGA chairman Zhang Yiqun and secretary-general You Wenmei, with executive director Ke Renfeng, artistic director Lai Peizhu, director of creative marking Chen Yiwen, and director of engineering and operations Aaron TZENG collaborating in its execution.
For Taiwan, ART TAIPEI 2023 marks the inaugural international art fair since the reopening of its borders post-pandemic. The event gathers 145 exhibitors, comprising 77 domestic galleries and 68 international galleries representing 11 different countries, making a grand appearance. Remarkably, the exhibition space surpasses any previous in the history of ART TAIPEI. TAGA chairman Zhang Yiqun has set the tone for ART TAIPEI as "Industry Self-Rescue, Regional Self-Empowerment," aiming to drive the overall artistic and cultural atmosphere in Taiwan with the power of the private sector. He anticipates that the future global art focus will shift towards the East, and envisions ART TAIPEI as a pivotal hub for the Asia-Pacific art scene, centered around the concept of “Art Moving East, with a Focus on Ink Art." Maintaining its commitment to sustainability and with the backing support of the Ministry of Culture, the Taipei Art Economy Research Center is organizing a special exhibition focused on the theme of achieving net-zero carbon emissions. This initiative aims to introduce "sustainable art" as a key conversational topic for corporate collectors. In celebration of both the Gallery Association’s 30th anniversary last year and the 30th edition of ART TAIPEI this year, the Gallery Association has produced a special publication titled "Heritage and Innovation - 30 Years of the Taiwan Art Gallery Association,” and digitized past publications from the ART TAPEI. An innovative feature introduced for the first time is the "e-bookcase interactive area" located within the exhibition hall, allowing the public to interactively engage and browse, leaving behind historical data and witnessing the trajectory of the art industry’s development.