舉辦名稱:2021 台北國際藝術博覽會

由張逸羣理事長、秘書長游文玫、執行總監賀嘉潔,群策群力執行。ART TAIPEI 2021 執行委員會第一次會議時,經現場出席執行委員全數共識同意,為免混淆 ART TAIPEI 品牌認知,強調 ART TAIPEI 歷史悠久性,展會不另設主題,改以屆數為重點,主視覺以「28」意象來設計。5 月中旬台灣疫情升溫,所有大型活動停辦或延期,展覽館也全面封閉,面對 10 月開展的 ART TAIPEI,畫廊協會籌備腳步從未停歇,及至展前一個月,政府才放寬展覽禁制令,防疫計畫規範在短短不及一個月的時間內限期完成,考驗台北國際藝術博覽會執行團隊的應變能力。在重重困難下,匯集台灣 76 家,國際 32 家展商齊聚台北,實屬不易,文化部亦首度提供參展的國內展商紓困補助,為產業興旺加添柴火。線上運用成為本屆展會重點,首度推出《AT REMOTE》遠距參展方案,讓無法親自來台的海外展商,以線上遠距遙控形式參與實體展會。並首次推出中、英雙語種線上展廳,服務國際及英語系、華語系藏家。另結合 NFT 藝術熱點潮流,媒合參展畫廊並加密製作 NFT 作品,以虛擬畫廊的形式展出。藝術教育日 DIY 活動首次與美國在台協會合作,創作成果在於美國在台協會簽證大廳展出,是為創舉。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

Under the leadership of TAGA chairman Zhang Yiqun, secretary-general You Wenmei, and executive director He Jiajie, the ART TAIPEI 2021 executive committee collaborated seamlessly to organize the event. During the inaugural meeting of the ART TAIPEI 2021 executive committee, all present members unanimously reached a consensus to avoid confusion in brand recognition and emphasize the rich history of ART TAIPEI. Consequently, the exposition would not have a specific theme, opting instead to highlight its edition number, prominently featuring the imagery of “28” in the main visual design. In mid-May of that year, as the COVID-19 situation in Taiwan worsened, all large-scale events were canceled or postponed, and exhibition halls completely ceased operating. Nevertheless, the Gallery Association persevered in its preparations for ART TAIPIE in October without interruption. It was only one month before the exposition that the government eased the ban on such events, and the comprehensive epidemic prevention plan was swiftly developed in under a month.  This rapid response tested the flexibility and adaptability of the executive team behind the ART TAIPEI 2021. Gathering a total of 76 Taiwanese exhibitors and 32 international participants in Taipei under such difficult circumstances was not easy. Furthermore, for the first time, the Ministry of Culture provided relief subsidies for domestic exhibitors, further bolstering the industry’s vitality. This year’s exposition also placed a significant emphasis on online engagement. A novel initiative, the "AT REMOTE" remote exhibition program was introduced, enabling overseas exhibitors unable to attend in person to participate in the physical exhibition remotely.

The inaugural online exhibition hall was also launched in both Chinese and English languages, creating a diverse audience that included international collectors as well as those from English-speaking and Chinese-speaking regions. Additionally, in conjunction with the burgeoning trend of NFT art, participating galleries were matched with NFT production, and these digital artworks were encrypted and showcased in the form of a virtual gallery. A groundbreaking initiative emerged through the collaboration between Art Education DIY activities and the American Institute in Taiwan, where the resulting creations were exhibited in the Visa Hall of the American Institute in Taiwan, marking a pioneering achievement.

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