2018 台北國際藝術博覽會獲經濟部國貿局頒發臺灣會展獎展覽甲類「評選團特別獎」之殊榮。本屆展會恰逢 ART TAIPEI 第 25 屆,由理事長鍾經新擘劃籌辦,秘書長為游文玫。這場屹立亞太長達四分之一世紀的重要展會,主題設定為「無形的美術館」,共匯集包括台灣 64 家、國際 71 家、橫跨 13 個國家/地區的畫廊參展。展期間,台北藝術產經研究室所舉辦的「台北藝術論壇」也與大會主題相呼應,特以「空間」為主軸,規畫一連串共三個場次,從國際藝術市場研究、藝術生產與資料庫、乃至藝術生產與空間等命題,深度探索「空間」於藝術品的呈現與生產之間的知識與美學關聯。第三屆「藝術教育日」發展導覽客製化,與臺灣師範大學藝術學院合作啟動「導覽暨 DIY 人才培育計畫」,並納入教學課程。
Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1
The 2018 ART TAIPEI was honored with the "Jury Special Award" in the Exhibition Category of the Taiwan Exhibition Awards presented by the International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs. This edition coincided with the 25th anniversary of ART TAIPEI and was organized by TAGA chairman Zhong Jingxin, with You Wenmei serving as the secretary-general. This remarkable exposition, which has been a steadfast presence in the Asia-Pacific region for a quarter of a century, was themed "The Invisible Art Museum,” bringing together a total of 64 Taiwanese and 71 international galleries spanning across 13 countries and regions. During the exposition, the Taipei Art Economy Research Center hosted the "Taipei Art Forum" to complement the exposition’s theme. It focused on the subject of "space" and planned a series of three sessions of symposiums. These sessions delved deeply into the knowledge and aesthetic relationships between "space" and the presentation and production of art, covering topics such as international art market research, art production and databases, and the connection between art production and space. The third edition of "Art Education Day" featured customized guided tours and collaborated with the College of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University to launch the "Cultivation Plans for Exhibition Guides and Art Education DIY," which was incorporated into the teaching curriculum.