舉辦名稱:2014 台北國際藝術博覽會

本屆由理事長張逸羣擔任執行委員會召集人兼執行長,並由錢文雷任副執行長,林怡華任秘書長,邀集 69 家台灣畫廊、76 家國際畫廊共同參展。年度主題設定為「Dear Art,」,藉著書信發語詞式的語句,呈現一種親切的提示。另為滿足不同經濟條件及動機的收藏者,大會推出「Dear First Art,」專案,精選出價格在 2 千美金以下的「忠於自我,小資的藝術投資」、價格介於 2 千至 4 千美金的「跟著動的不動產」,及價格 4 千美金以上的「一出手即行家」,三種收藏類別,成為首次收藏民眾的參考指南。相較於強調全球性,ARTTAIPEI 選擇建立亞洲節點的形象,並進行許多研究推廣,打造地域性專業,穩健提昇博覽會的重要性和不可取代性。國際媒體 artnet 針對 2014 年台北藝博給予極高評價,稱台北藝博是亞洲地區僅次於香港巴塞爾藝術博覽會。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

In this edition, the chairman of TAGA, Zhang Yiqun served as the convener and executive director of the executive committee, with Qian Welie as the deputy executive director and Lin Yihua as the secretary-general. A total of 69 Taiwanese galleries and 76 international galleries were invited to the event. The annual theme was set as "Dear Art," using a conversational and friendly tone inspired by the format of letters. To cater to collectors with different financial capabilities and motivations, the exposition introduced the "Dear First Art" project. It featured three categories of art collecting: “True to Self, Affordable Art Investments” with prices under $2,000 USD, “Follow the Moving Property” with prices ranging from $2,000 and $4,000 USD, and “Seasoned Collectors” with prices over $4,000 USD. These three categories served as a reference guide for first-time art collectors. In contrast to emphasizing global reach, ART TAIPEI chose to establish an image as an Asian hub and conducted extensive research and promotion to build regional expertise. This approach steadily enhanced the importance and uniqueness of the art fair. International media outlet Artnet highly praised ART TAIPEI in 2014, describing it as the second-most significant art fair in the Asian region, following only after Art Basel Hong Kong.

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