舉辦名稱:2011 台北國際藝術博覽會

2011 年台北國際藝術博覽會二度榮獲經濟部頒發「躍升展覽獎」。由王賜勇任執行委員會召集人、畫廊協會理事長張學孔兼任執行長、副執行長為卓來成、秘書長朱庭逸共同籌辦。「One Love, One Art」藝術之愛為此次博覽會之精神核心,並以平民收藏為宣傳推廣訴求,強調「收藏者是藝術家最重要的庇護所」,推動「藝術開門.全民收藏」的理念。ART TAIPEI 2011 成功創下台北藝博舉辦 18 年來新高成績,三分之二以上的畫廊均有極高成交率,從東京到柏林,來自國內外 124 間畫廊參與展出,其中共有 66 家展商來自國際,比例高達 53%,是台北藝博辦理以來,國際畫廊參展數首度逾半新紀錄。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

In 2011, ART TAIPEI was once again awarded the "Taiwan Exhibition Leap Award" by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The executive committee was led by Wang Ciyong as the convener, with Zhang Xuekong, the chairman of TAGA, serving as the executive director, Zhuo Laicheng as the deputy executive director, and Zhu Tingyi as the secretary-general. The core spirit of this exposition was "One Love, One Art," with a focus on the love for art. The event aimed to promote grassroots art collecting, emphasizing that “collectors are the most important patrons of artists” and advocating the concept of "Art Open Door, Art for Everyone.” ART TAIPEI 2011 achieved record-breaking success in its 18-year history, with over two-thirds of the galleries achieving exceptionally high sales rates. From Tokyo to Berlin, a total of 124 galleries from both domestic and international origins participated in the exposition, with 66 of them being international exhibitors, accounting for an impressive 53% ratio. This marked a significant milestone as it was the first time that international gallery participation at ART TAIPEI exceeded half.

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