1997 年雖然因為受到亞洲金融風暴影響,在亞洲各國的藝術博覽會紛紛停辦的情況下,由畫廊協會理事長劉煥獻先生擔任藝博會總召集人兼執行長,帶領團隊堅持舉辦台北國際藝術博覽會,台灣參展畫廊 37 家,國際畫廊 8 家。本屆台北國際藝術博覽會爭取新光三越百貨公司信義店協辦,於 10 月 25 日至 11 月 20 日在香堤大道,邀請國際三對藝術夫妻檔石雕家(德國、荷蘭、秘魯、韓國及台灣),舉行為期一個月的「國際石雕之侶戶外創作營」,6 件國際石雕傑作由新光三越文教基金會收藏,迄今仍矗立在香堤大道的現場。
In 1997, despite the impact of the Asian financial crisis and the suspension of art fairs in various Asian countries, Mr. Liu Huanxian, the chairman of TAGA, took on the role of the convener and executive director and led the team to persist in organizing the TAIPEI ART FAIR. There were 37 Taiwanese galleries and 8 international galleries partaking in the event. For this edition of the TAIPEI ART FAIR, they secured the cooperation of the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store Xinyi Branch. From October 25th to November 20th, on the Xianti Boulevard, an outdoor on-site creative workshop called the "TAF'97 International Couple Sculptural Symposium" was held for a month, inviting three international art couples who were sculptors from Germany, the Netherlands, Peru, South Korea, and Taiwan. Six masterpieces of sculpture were collected by the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Cultural and Educational Foundation and are still standing on the site of Xianti Boulevard to this day.