光華新聞文化中心為台灣在香港最重要的文化櫥窗,今日稍早中華民國畫廊協會理事長鍾經新、秘書長游文玫、台北國際藝術博覽會執行長胡忻儀及資深顧問陸潔民也特地前往中心拜會主任胡晴舫,雙方取得在2018年香港 Art Basel 及 Art Central 期間合辦「台灣之夜」的共識,活動著眼擴大及深化文化藝術交流,搭起台灣畫廊與國際藏家、當地及國際藝界重要人士、藝術家間的友誼橋樑,期望為未來台灣藝術產業在香港成就更多發聲機會。
Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center, Taiwan’s most important cultural hub in Hong Kong. This morning, Chairman of Taiwan Gallery Association, Chung Ching-Hsin, Consultant, Jimmy Lu, and the Director of ART TAIPEI, Hsinyi Hu, visited the center and met with the Director, Ching-Fang Hu to discuss expanding mutual collaboration in 2018. Both parties agree co-organizing a “Night of Taiwan” during next years' Hong kong art week in order to further connect the galleries, international collectors and artists and eventually create opportunities and further visibility for Taiwanese art specialties in Hong Kong and in international art scene.
Also, due to this meeting, Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center will assist Taiwan Art Gallery Association in distributing and communicating with local press to create more exposure for Taiwanese participating galleries.