亞太畫廊聯盟新主席陳菁螢女士 領導跨國合作 交流亞太藝術品真偽爭議議題
自2015年成立以來,亞太畫廊聯盟(Asia Pacific Art Gallery Alliance, APAGA)一直致力於促進亞太各國畫廊協會之間的合作、溝通與資訊交換。2024年9月8日,APAGA新任主席 (任期2024-2026年)、TAGA理事長陳菁螢女士於韓國首爾Hotel Crescendo Seoul主持「2024 APAGA暨藝術品鑑定鑑價機制國際合作論壇 -首爾場」的早餐會,繼續推動跨國合作,針對藝術品真偽爭議進行深度探討。
- 建置《材料物質比對資料庫》與《人才資料庫》;
- 建構鑑定與鑑價專業人員之職能標準;
- 文化部應定期舉行工作會議,討論「藝術品鑑定鑑價作業準則」檢討與修正,提升台灣科學檢測優勢領域。
New APAGA Chairperson Ms. Claudia CHEN Leads Cross-Border Cooperation to Address Authenticity Issues in Asia-Pacific Artworks
Since its establishment in 2015, the Asia Pacific Art Gallery Alliance (APAGA) has been committed to fostering cooperation, communication, and information exchange among gallery associations in the Asia-Pacific region. On September 8th, 2024, Ms. Claudia CHEN, the newly appointed APAGA Chairperson (term: 2024-2026) and Chairperson of the Taiwan Art Gallery Association (TAGA), hosted the "2024 APAGA & Appraisal Practice Forum - SEOUL Session" at the Hotel Crescendo Seoul in South Korea. The event aimed to enhance cross-border collaboration and facilitate in-depth discussions regarding the authenticity controversies surrounding artworks.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Claudia CHEN emphasized that art authentication and appraisal are currently key issues of focus for both Ministry of Culture (R.O.C.) and TAGA. She expressed her hope that by reflecting on recent controversies in Taiwan, the alliance could share experiences and strategies from other Asia-Pacific countries, learning how to address similar challenges while fostering practical international collaboration.
During the meeting, TAGA presented the case of the "The Controversy Surrounding the Exhibition at Taiwan Historica" and proposed three major TAGA’s Statements:
- Establishment of a Material and Substance Comparison Database and a Talent Database;
- Establishment of Functional Standards for Authentication and Appraisal Professionals;
- Calling on the Ministry of Culture (R.O.C.) should conduct regular working meetings to enhance Taiwan's competitive edge in Scientific Testing.
Representatives from the Art Appraisal Committee of Galleries Association of Korea, along with representatives from the Art Galleries Association Singapore, attended the meeting. They shared Korea's experiences in addressing similar issues and participated in detailed discussions.
In her concluding remarks, Ms. Claudia CHEN emphasized that both Taiwan and Korea are actively engaged in developing their respective authentication and appraisal mechanisms. She further stated that future international cooperation will necessitate continuous exchanges and discussions to evaluate feasibility. Both parties concurred on the importance of establishing an annual forum or conference centered on specific topics, with the "Authentication and Appraisal Committees" serving as the primary platform for these exchanges to foster deeper collaboration.
This meeting represents a significant advancement in fostering substantial cooperation within the Asia-Pacific region regarding art authentication and appraisal, establishing a strong foundation for future cross-border collaborations.


合影由右至左:尹龍鐵先生、KIM Jinhwa女士、PYO Misun 女士、陳菁螢 女士、石隆盛 先生、柯人鳳 女士

韓國畫廊協會代表YUN Sungwon 先生發言

新加坡代表Jefferson Jong 先生發言
